If we had to describe this year’s Ultrace event in one sentence, we would have to say it was an event you had to visit if it was the only one you could visit this year. About 1300 cars and who knows (organizes surely do) how many visitors, car enthusiasts made this event full car guy experience. We missed the first day and the rain but Sunday weather was spot on.
A lot of cool cars, we did not get a chance to have a closer look at all of them since we had only one day but there is always next year. To be honest, wi left the “main stage” for the end and concentrated on “smaller projects” that were of more interest to us. Projects that do not require you to thro $100K+ at them, we can identify with easier, and mean more to us.
It is needless to say that we were not enthusiastic by the show cars in front of the main stage.

Enjoy the full album taken by our Stefan Topisirovic & Damir Karan.
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