Like everyone, we did not go to many car meets this year, for obvious reasons. But we did visit Low Society 2020 meet, one of just few car meets we attended this year.
Our Dragan Tumarcic was there making these shots below, so enjoy!

This event was somewhat different, as the COVID-19 saga is still not over, and probably will not be over soon, we had to wear masks and keep the distance, which made meeting new people a little harder. Even with these measures active, we still managed to meet few new cool guys and learned more about their cars.

This event is called “Season opening 2020” but it was held on 12-13th September, once COVID numbers went low, at least in Austria. So better late then never!

All in all, we had good time, enjoyed the harsh sun, and we hope Low Society event and all others will not be postponed next year and that wearing masks and keeping distance will be behind us.
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